Golf Competitions
Golf Competitions

There are three groups of golf activities at the Pukekohe Golf Club

  • Weekly Competitions
  • Special Events & Pennants
  • Corporate Days
Weekly Golf Competitions
The focus of the Men’s competitions is on Saturdays and Wednesdays and on Tuesday and Thursday for women. There are also weekly competitions for Business Woman on a Saturday, Junior golf on a Tuesday night and Sunday and a Veteran’s day on a Friday. The shorter 9-Hole version for those who have time constraints is also catered for.
For some of these events prizes will be distributed at the end of the day by the Club Professional but, if players cannot pick them up that day, they will be added to an account that is held by the Professional that can be used via his shop at any time. Other events will be organised by the respective organising committee. Visitors (other than members of reciprocal clubs) are not allowed to play on Saturdays unless there is space available.
The mixed Sunday competitions are for men and women whilst some Sundays are set aside for ‘special’ events. Competitors book tee times either online through our website or via the starter in the ProShop. Some competitions incur a small fee to add a bit of competitive edge and some are included in your annual fees.
During the time of Daylight Saving a nine hole twilight mixed competition is held on Thursday evenings for both golfers and non-golfers. Players hit off between 3pm – 6pm and many stay for dinner or a drink in the lounge afterwards.
Special Golf Competitions and Pennants
There are many special events held and the golf club enters pennant teams in a variety of interclub events. Details are available in the Members Handbook or on the website.
Men’s Golf Open Days
Of much interest are the monthly Men’s Golf Open Days, usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Members are encouraged to bring guests and to stay for dinner. These days are very popular because they are usually sponsored and valuable prizes can be won, so it is necessary to book a tee time well in advance.
Corporate Days
Often on Friday afternoons (in particular over the summer months), the golf club is hired by companies for private golf days.
Members should check with the ProShop or online at the website before playing on Fridays to see when and if tee times are available.